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Welcome Me and to you

Aloha and welcome back. I've taken a much needed hiatus from writing the blog. I've missed you all of course and hope that come next week, I'll be flowing in the waves of the ocean again with my thoughts and words. It has been a great exercise in NOT writing the blog for a few weeks for many reasons. I won't bore you with all of them but I do want to thank you for waiting patiently for me to get back online. Hopefully in this time you have worked through some of your own lightning storms and weathered some new lessons and perhaps put some old ones to rest. I felt this photo was fitting as it was taken during our first storm of this year. There were so many amazing bolts and we managed to catch two of them in succession. The second one being the bigger of the two and my fav. The pictures were created from a video and it was really neat to see the timing between the two bolts as well as just how quickly they came and went.

I've been in my own "storm" of life these past weeks yet it's been a whirlwind of such goodness. Good weather and great sailing on the ocean waters of life so to speak. I'll leave that there for now knowing that these next few posts will possibly share some of these lessons and perhaps resonate with your lovely selves.

Until then this is just a quick aloha letting you know I'm still here and am still ready to write, write, write!! For those of you who reached out and said a hello asking if I was still blogging, thank you. It was lovely to hear from you and I look forward to our next contact. So much love and aloha and Happy May!! xxoo Jodi

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