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Ahhhhh…big sigh out…the last week of the first month of 2017 is upon us. Last Friday we welcomed the New Moon in the sign of Aquarius (I’m so fascinated with astrology, so much to learn). We also welcomed in the Lunar New Year and in the Chinese tradition it’s the year of the Fire Rooster. In honour of that I’m sharing these photos I took in Maui last October of this handsome rooster. He was a curious soul who was looking for food (but didn’t get any from us). He was quite loud, nosy and definitely proud. A few of his squawks were shared quite close as he strutted his stuff showing off his gorgeous colours.

The last time the Fire Rooster was the animal of the year was in 1957. In researching I found some work that supports the Chinese expressing that this animal represents the characteristics of being trustworthy, having a strong sense of timekeeping and responsibility at work. When I looked for a definition of the Rooster as a spirit animal I found messages expressing the following – celebrating ones uniqueness; as a timekeeper of the world with his unique “rise and shine” cock-a-doodle-doo and that he brings humour and enthusiasm to all situations.

Whether the fire rooster speaks to you as a spirit or totem animal or in the Chinese tradition we can probably all think of times when we have expressed some of the traits that the fire rooster has been labelled with. Times where we were colourful and boastful; where we were the motivator and in our own “rise and shine” way we were there for others and I’m sure we all have moments where we brought humour and enthusiasm to situations. I invite you to sit with this thread of thought and see what resonates with you and your inner “fire rooster”. As it goes, we are almost one full month into the year of 2017. Whether you find yourself sitting with a list of goals that you have made supportive choices towards or you sit with a list that you haven’t touched since you made the goals. Either way, know that right now you can find that inner fire rooster and challenge yourself to make that next step. For some it might be a first step in the direction of those goals. For others it might be the hundredth step towards achieving them. Regardless of where you are make a decision to take that step. Evaluate where you are at and decide not to stay stuck if you’re stuck. Get out of the house. Invite that friend over for coffee. Ask that cute boy/girl out and be ok if he/she says no. Go out for dinner by yourself. Take that 30 minute walk you’ve been promising yourself. Challenge yourself to step outside of your comfort zone. Be brave. Be bold.

As we ready ourselves for month two of 2017 what beliefs will we challenge? Which beliefs will we let go of? Which beliefs will we give awareness to and remove the veil under which we are hiding? And which beliefs will we accept and agree to change another day because that better serves us. Wherever you find yourself know you are loved and supported. Welcome in this Lunar New Year and take a moment to breathe and find gratitude.

I’ll end with a breathing exercise that I find most helpful in any situation (even a moment like now as you possibly are holding your breath while reading this blog). Exhale completely through your mouth (through parted lips), making a whoosh sound. Close your mouth and mentally count to four. Then begin to inhale quietly through your nose (with your mouth closed) to a mental count of four. Feel your chest rise and start to fill your belly with breath (if possible). Hold your breath for a count of four noting if your chest and stomach are extended. Then exhale slowly and completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of four. Pause mentally counting to four and repeat the cycle as many times as you feel necessary. It’s best to at least do this four times but if this is the first time you have paid attention to your breath then you might feel that four times is a challenge. Do what feels best for you. You can also change the count to three if that feels more comfortable and then move the count up to four another day. Paying close attention to your chest and belly and how they move. Most people breathe shallow breaths into just their chest. Work to get a full belly breath if you can and begin to find this type of breathing in your every breath. Sometimes placing your hands on your belly will help as you feel it move into your hands when you breathe into it. If you are able to and it’s safe to do so (and feels comfortable) you can close your eyes when you do your breathing. This will eliminate one of your senses and helps to instill calmness as well as connection to self. Give it a try and see how it goes. If nothing else you may find that just sparking your awareness around your breath changes how you breathe. If you have any questions you can always email me at

Here’s to a fiery, passionate, authentic, bold year where we find what we are looking for supported by the beliefs that serve us. So much love and aloha sent your way! Thanks for swimming in the ocean of life this week with me! xxoo J

A friend asked me why I don’t blog. Before replying to her question I noted ‘hey, this is something you’ve asked yourself before and not ever answered’. So before replying to her, I took a breath and I asked myself that big bad WHY question. Which goes unanswered as most times tied to FEAR. I acknowledged this to myself and my reply to her was ‘that is a great question, one I’ve asked myself before and avoided answering until now’. Thank you for asking the question. I’m going to go sit with this and make a choice – to blog or not to blog. If you’re reading this then (big gulp of air) I’ve made the choice and decided to jump naked in the deep end with my fears. I won’t list all of the waves of emotion that flooded and engulfed me as the cold water wrapped tightly around my body. I could tell of the fears that surfaced, the shame, and the areas in me that were ‘shut down’/closed off that screamed to be heard. The beliefs that pushed to be felt first as cold slaps and the constant chatter that supports them waves that want to crash over me. I didn’t ask them to go away, I didn’t kick fiercely treading back to ‘shore’ and the safety of not hitting the publish button. But decided to face them head on knowing each blog will present new waters, some I know as familiar friends, some I choose to ignore, others I have stuffed deep and don’t even remember creating. All waves of my ocean ebbing and flowing in the sea of my life. Choosing to jump in these waters feels good for 2017 and I welcome the challenge of sharing the ‘life boat’ that I’ve created to support myself as I navigate it all.

I’ve decided to let this first blog be whatever it wants to be. Knowing that I will not judge myself for the words that flow out. I’ll listen as the thoughts jump up as fears; who’s going to read this?; you can’t write; you were horrible in English class in high school; your words are jumbled; who are you to think you can connect to others through your writing; that what you have to say has value. These threads of thoughts keep unraveling and moving like the pounding fury of the waves as they crash to shore. The difference being before I would stop and try and answer and justify each of these waves. Now I smile and sit in each of them totally imperfect knowing they are all just fears. And that I would see as strength in someone else in confronting and welcoming these fears in finding ways to heal them. So now I choose to see them as strength in me and sharing my moments with all of you.

I’ve decided to do some math (yes, math and I are the best and worst of friends! A relationship that I’ve been working at all my life – so here goes!) There are 52 weeks in a year and I believe that I can share 52 of my experiences in life with you here in this blog. Since it’s the 23rd of January it is already the 4th week and I will only need 49 experiences. Yes, my fingers were used to do this math as well as they were crossed as I wrote the final calculation of 49 as the answer. Man, some of these beliefs are deeply rooted and just pop up whenever they want.

I’m blessed to have walked 46 years on this earth so far. I believe that in this lifetime I’ve chosen to walk my path with love, compassion and grace while learning as much as I can regardless of the pains involved in that learning. It doesn’t always come easy, and sometimes it doesn’t come at all until another lesson shows up. The underlying belief that has kept me growing and learning is the ability to be grateful for all the lessons. To find that silver lining when I’m on ‘top of the mountain’ as well as when I’m in the ‘deepest darkest hole’. Through the victories, the defeats and the buzz of everyday life, it’s finding the silver lining, the thread of connection that makes me smile wholeheartedly.

So to answer the question that this post started with – I’m making the choice TO BLOG. Bring it on! Here’s to being ‘naked’ swimming with me another 48 times this year! May the force of the wind be with us, the purity of spirit run through my fingers, the ebb and flow of the waters guide us and unconditional love and grace wrap around the moments we spend here together. With that a big exhale and a push of the “publish” button. Mahalo nui loa (roughly translated from Hawaiian to mean thank you very much) for your time, may you share a moment and smile with me. xxoo

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