Mystia Crystal Creations

There are many reasons why previous cultures on our home planet, Earth, invested so much much time and energy into the building of pyramids. They are found on every continent, yes including Antarctica. They were built using a technology/ technologies we no longer possess but some contend are beginning to be rediscovered.
Pyramids, we believe, we being those of us who build and have these pyramids in our homes, reflect an ancient and profound understanding of the very foundation of physical creation and the exploration of experience 4D reality provides for both Creator and the Created.
“In the beginning was the word…”
John 1:1, and while the Bible may interpret this information to mean communication and relationship between Creator and IT’s Creation, perhaps this meant something else. Perhaps they were using this description to point to the most basic fundamental aspect that makes physical reality even possible. For what is a word? A word expressed is sound.
Sound was used to create the stone pyramids by the ancients,
and in part pyramids were erected for the specific sounds they would create.
The specific sounds created within, the acoustic frequency, were used by the ancients to achieve physical and emotional healing but perhaps even more importantly were used to support human evolution into higher dimensions.
It is no coincidence that the pyramid shape is also used to symbolize spiritual growth. We all know where the enlightened dwell.
The pyramid you are looking at is our interpretation of the Golden Ratio. The length of the upright angled legs are 1.618 the length of the bottom of the pyramid. In this case 19” : 11.75”.
Found throughout nature, including the human body, Phi, has long fascinated humanity for both its aesthetic and physical qualities.
Dr. Ibrahim Karim, founder of BioGeometry
describes the relationship of geometry, frequency/vibration and life force.
Can you imagine that living within an electro magnetic field universe, that geometry is like a radio, and that two and three dimensional geometric designs ‘tune into’ specific frequencies and then amplify into our living space?
We’ve experienced the transformative effects created by the Golden Ratio Pyramids and are excited to share these effects with anyone with whom this idea resonates.