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Homo Novus


Personal Transformation
and Therapy Programs
w/Phil Hammond

The services I offer have but a single purpose, a dedicated focus,

and that destination is your personal discovery of the Spiritual Master you are! 


When we are ready, we come to understand that we are not

just a stone mason squaring a stone,

we are a master craftsman building a cathedral!


If such a statement strikes a chord, of course, you are right where you were destined to be.


I am a student of the purpose of life. 


I have earned a Bachelors Degree from the University of Alberta,

a degree that I soon came to realize taught me that I really didn't need it,

not on the path that was to be my life. 


I then, as my search continued,

earned a third degree black belt but came to realize that,

just as Albert Einstein said and I paraphrase,

"It is impossible to simultaneously prepare for war and create peace." 


I am now,

as well as being a quartz crystal healer and

procurer of unique and appropriate Quartz Crystal and minerals,

a third level Reiki practioner,

looking forward to completing my master training. 


I am devoted to the practice of yoga and meditation,

and along this path have had the amazing fortune to be claimed by,

and then married to,

a true HOMO NOVUS,

who just so happens to be a yoga instructor. 


I have become a vegetarian, realizing that no animal has to die so that I may live. 


I have come to recognize that within the martial art I studied lies an energy art, a healing art, waiting to be explored as such and shared. 


Most importantly of all, because I simply could not give up searching,

I have discovered our Source within myself and in doing so

I have necessarily been introduced to the proverbial,

"Meaning of Life". 


This is what I know, and everyday my being

only becomes more aligned with that knowing.


I am supported to mentor, offer therapy and to teach

anyone ready to discover who we truly are,

why we have had to create and endure the pain that is a human life,

and how everything that we are

can only serve the purpose for which we were created.


We are truly here to discover Re-Lief,

 learning how to Live, Again,

and when we do we have become our potential,



I look forward to our introduction

and if we are not meant to meet,

may I offer you peace,

along your path to your destiny.

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