Tel: 833-366-4543
We, at Frequency of Life, know and live the connected-ness that is our universe, our planet and especially the human experience. There is nothing that exists except as an expression of frequency, an energy wave potential, and understanding what is the basis of physical reality can be the opportunity to create more effectively within this reality. Helping individuals to discover the power they represent as a sentient, thought provoking individual, not only benefits us individually but it benefits all of humanity.

As each one of us discovers the light we are, that light becomes available for everyone in our lives to discover their own. We believe that WE are ALL Lightworkers, whether we are aware yet or not and it is our mission, at Frequency of Life, to facilitate, for all who are ready, the use of frequency to support their holistic aspirations, because as we heal ourselves we support the healing of all humanity.