Tel: 833-366-4543

Rock Your Water
This is such an amazing opportunity we’ve created bringing together two of our most keen interests; Quartz Crystal and Rife Frequency Technology. The human body is 67 – 72% water, and this water permeates 99% of our body. Water, like quartz crystal can be programmed and has memory. Anyone familiar with the work of the pioneering water researcher Masaru Emoto, or has followed the work of Nobel Laureate, Luc Montagnier, understands not just that water has memory but that it is influenced by its surroundings, including human consciousness. Appreciating the unique qualities of water and understanding as well asthe unique characteristics of quartz crystal along with the ability to both control and apply life force through the use of Rife Frequency generating technology, we can bring to you, Rock Your Water. Rife frequency was successfully used over 80 years ago in San Diego, Calif., by the inventor, Dr. Royal Rife to successfully cure 16 out of 16 terminally ill cancer patients. Since then, despite the efforts of the pharmaceutical industry, this patented technology has literally exploded with the number of frequencies that have been researched and documented, over 40,000 and counting, and the methods for applying these frequencies. We use a specific method, a Pulse Electromagnetic Field coil, to program quartz crystal with specific frequencies designed to target your body at a cellular level to stimulate cell metabolism and support human health. To date we have developed programs that include, Vitamins and Minerals, DNA Rejuvenation, Energy Boost, Cleansing & Sleep. Quartz crystal is a perfect medium to continually relay frequency information and programming to water because Quartz too is both programable and it retains memory. Quartz is SiO2, Silicon Dioxide, and it is the Silicon chip in a computer that provides the computing power. This power has been recognized for thousands of years by Shaman and healers alike and in 1994 it was proven scientifically at Stanford University that quartz crystal can be programmed and the information retrieved. See if you can taste and feel the difference in the waters, treated and untreated, you might be pleasantly surprised.
What is Rock Your Water?
Rock Your Water, is quite literally a gift of Creation billions of years in the making. Using the magical qualities of quartz crystal and humble but amazing H2O, the vision of Albert Einstein is with us, the use of understood frequency in support of a personal human health.

It's Proven;
Water is Alive
Dr. Emoto, in his ground breaking analysis of water crystal, showed the world that water not only can record but it can also react to human consciousness, changing its very structure in response to positive and negative human emotion. The human body is 65% water, and every cell in our bodies contain water. How can the water we bring into our bodies not affect every aspect of our being, physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual? How can we not take care of our water once we understand what it is?
Life Is Magic
Magic is the creation of something from seemingly nothing. Quartz has the ability to take what is not physical, frequency, and change what is physical around it. Apply a mechanical force to quartz and a small but identifiable electrical charge is created as the mechanical force is converted by the crystal matrix of Silicon and Oxygen that it is. Likewise, putting an electrical charge to quartz will create a vibration within it. This vibration is very consistent and is what makes quartz invaluable in the production of very accurate watches. It is the Silicon in quartz that can be programmed, that stores and releases information. It is exactly the same principle as the silicon chip in your computer and phone. Information is transferred from the silicon processor onto the liquid crystal screen that can then be seen and used. We use quartz, the crystal silicon matrix, to accept and store desired information as frequency and then release that information through vibration, into the crystal matrix of water into which it is placed, that once drank is now used by the human body to support, cleanse and even detox.
Dr. Roy Rife
The Ignored Genius

What Dr. Rife created and protected can no longer be suppressed without those interests exposing themselves. We now have access to over 40,000 researched and verified frequencies as well as a number of methods to apply frequency. From the original plasma, to quantum entanglement broadcasters research is only expanding the applications. We can even program quartz crystal with frequency and we do.
What we do is apply the science of frequency to the science of quartz crystal and the science of water to create an opportunity for you to discover what Dr. Einstein and his peers, including and especially his mentor, Dr. Max Planck, ushered in, the world of the Quantum.
The Quantum, quite simply, is understanding that reality is not solid, per se, rather it is energy, energy as frequency, that can produce the effect of solid and therefore affect solids. In a world, a reality, that is only energy the basis of all creation is frequency, oscillation and vibration. Where the very fabric of reality is frequency how could the future of humanity not be the understanding, application and use of frequency to create and support a healthy body and a content society?

In 1934 the inventor or Rife Technology, Dr. Royal Rife, proved conclusively the efficacy of his invention curing 16 of 16 terminal cancer patients within a 3 month period, by applying resonant frequency. The fact that this technology was buried by the medical and pharmaceutical establishment speaks volumes to both the power and the true intentions of western medical institutions. Fortunately Dr. Rife was able to patent his invention before the medical mafia caught wind of it and even more fortunately, for humanity, he refused to sell the patent to them.
Water has been taken for granted and yet as our technology has progressed, the more water can be studied, and understood. It is no longer a fanciful idea that water has memory. Water, too, is a crystal matrix and the single water molecule, it has been discovered, possesses 444,000 panels within which it can store information. Are our oceans and lakes the repositories of Earth history, recorded in her water? Some Scientists believe this to be true