Tel: 833-366-4543
Location Clearing and
Location Spiritual Enhancement
are Rife Cleansing and Life Supporting Frequency Programs applied using Radionics and Quantum Entanglement. After the first application, three more applications at three month intervals are provided.
LOCATION CLEARING $200.00 + tax/year
The Location Clearing program is designed to remove the negative emotional residue of a location deposited by previous or current occupants. Trying to find peace in your life in a space that is not energetically supportive is very difficult. This can wear a person down, to the point where they no longer have peace and are only contributing to the existing dilemma. We first absorb and remove toxic residues and then we rejuvinate the location with Schumann and Solfeggio frequency.
Using the principle of Quantum Entanglement we possess the ability to copy the frequency of humanly developed Sacred sites from across our Mother Earth. All Sacred Sites were originally built on energetic vortices but just as negative human emotion can devolve a physical location positive loving human emotion can uplift and empower. Sites like Stonehenge or the Giza Plateau, recognized and revered sites that have been continuously been visited over many millenia have only become stronger and more supportive of the human condition for the love and prayer offered by all the past human pilgrammage. We love to bring this energy to your space